Tuesday 26 August 2008

Nicole Kidman Told: 'It's Baby Or Work!'

...more Nicole Kidman �

New mum Nicole Kidman has brought her baby girl on put of new film, Australia, but her fellow couch members are getting a little to a fault distracted by the baby�s cuteness.

The lofty mother has been viewing off new-sprung Sunday Rose when she and co-star� Hugh Jackman should be concentrating on their playing for the upcoming Baz Lurman cinema, reports claim.

"There has been a batch of cooing over the baby,� an onrush insider says.

"Sunday Rose is so cunning and she's become something of a mascot for the rest of the cast and crew.�

"Baz has actually had to put his foot down because he's got less than six weeks to finis the picture and all the baby fuss is starting to be middling distracting."

The baby may be adorable just shame her name sounds like an English Sunday roast dinner party.